Our Arizona Story

3TV Phoenix and Fox 11 Tucson recently aired a story about our work with CCSVI here in Arizona along with the very personal story of Ryan Noreen, one of our patients willing to talk about his experience with the liberation procedure.  As a scientist himself, Ryan is a credible source for the media. Of course, with all journalism, it is important to present a balanced story, so the producer Brandy Aguilar chose a neurologist to discuss the counter point.  Fortunately, Brandy wisely chose a neurologist who’s message was “this is a new theory and studies are underway that will bear out (or not) the anecdotal findings currently being presented as proof. We appreciate her willingness to present a “sober” source rather than one who would take a more controversial counterpoint. Many other news sources tend to rely on the “they are crackpots” sources to try to present a balanced story.  Not the case here. We’d like to think this is the first of what will eventually become the standard in reporting on this topic. We can hope for that, right?


One response to “Our Arizona Story”

  1. Pauly Heller Avatar
    Pauly Heller

    I so want this group to be on the up and up, and for Liberation Therapy to work for me (and others with MS), and for my insurance to cover the Doppler screening. Thank you for reporting this story.

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